Soundblaster Replacement Heels

Soundblaster Replacement Heels


Total solid fiberglass construction with a straight down inside appearance. Even the beginner hard shoe dancer can enjoy the "click" made from these heels. Don't settle for a tapered inward heel making it almost impossible to click when you can have the straight down egde which makes it significantly easier to nail those clicks. And, as with all Rutherford Products merchandise, they are fully sanctioned for all competitive and non-competitive dancing by all governing bodies overseeing Irish Dancing. The magnificent sound cannot be duplicated. It is virtually impossible for a Soundblaster Heel to fall off a shoe. They are quite literally bolted on in triplicate. They are truly the most predominant, loudest click known to any dancer, teacher, or adjudicator. The Soundblaster heel is worn by almost all the champions today, and that's no accident.

Rutherford Products is proud to offer Heel Replacements. These are the same top-of-the-line heels that come with our new hard shoes (all models except the Innisfree). Read the description of our service. When you are ready to proceed, continue to go through and complete the purchase online. When you receive your order confirmation, print it out and package it with the shoes you want re-tipped. Then, send in your shoes. Go to the Contact Us page and mail your shoes to the address listed. If you need any assistance, Contact one of the ladies in the front office to help step you through the process. Please remove any laces/accessory buckles/ductape prior to shipping. There's really not much to it except you send in the shoes, we do the replacement and then send the like-new shoes back to you. Our replacement services can and do add years to the lifetime of a pair of shoes. We do replacements on non-Rutherford shoes as well.

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Soundblaster Replacement Tips

Soundblaster Replacement Tips
